What is "The Freedom of 'No' Formula" Course All About?

This course offers a solution-focused, practical method to help you identify your boundary issues, develop healthy boundaries, and learn to defend those boundaries. Together we’ll cover:

  • How to say no without guilt or offending others.

  • How to stop taking on other people's tasks at work and in your personal life.

  • How to separate yourself from other’s expectations.

  • How to release your need to please others and so much more.

Get a look inside "The Freedom of 'No' Formula"

With 8 Weeks of content and group coaching sessions.

    1. Exciting Possibilities

    1. Module 1: Examples of Boundary Dysfunction (1-6 of 12)

    2. Module 2: Examples of Boundary Dysfunction (7-12 of 12)

    3. Application Questions from Modules 1 & 2

    1. Module 3: Examples of Basic Boundaries

    2. Module 4: Examples of Personal Boundaries

    3. Application Questions from Modules 3 & 4

    1. Module 5: What Do Yards Have To Do With Boundaries?

    2. Module 6: Examples of Boundary Breaches

    3. Application Questions from Modules 5 & 6

    1. Module 7: Taking Baby Steps, Having Support, and the Role of Grace

    2. Module 8: Keeping the Peace....But Are You Really?

    3. Application Questions from Modules 7 & 8

    1. Module 9: "I'm a People-Pleaser!"

    2. Module 10: "You Made Me Mad!"

    3. Application Questions for Modules 9 & 10

About this course

  • 22 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Bonus material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • Weekly Group Coaching

    Every week, join our optional (but valuable!) 90-minute group zoom call, where I'll help you apply the lesson to your specific situation. You’ll get feedback on your situation and I’ll address any obstacles to your progress.

  • The Freedom Yard Community

    As a bonus, you'll get 90-day access to our private Freedom Yard Community. This is a place for you to learn, grow and practice applying healthy boundaries in your life with support and feedback from fellow sojourners.

  • Lifetime Access to Course Content

    Repetition creates mastery of any skill, even enforcing healthier boundaries. That's why this course is available to you after we've gone through the material together. Review the modules as many times as you need to.

Course Investment

You have the option to choose how you'd like to pay.

What My Clients Are Saying

“Knowing and understanding what boundaries are is an important first step. Dana explains concepts and presents the thought process necessary to recognize and manage boundaries.”

“If I had learned to spot the boundary violations taught in the first module 15 years ago, I could have saved myself and my family years of heartache and pain. ”

“The course was truly life-changing. I always thought about Boundaries in the context of dealing with others. I realized that I was violating boundaries within myself, in terms of unrealistic expectations.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does this course work?

    You will have two teaching video modules to watch plus exercises to complete each week. The time to watch the videos and complete exercises will be around 30-45 min/per week.

    We will meet on a 90-minute group zoom call weekly to help you apply the lesson to your specific situation. These calls are optional but incredibly valuable! You’ll get practical suggestions on the call and I’ll address any obstacles to your progress.

  • How long is the course?

    The course will last 8 weeks, with a Welcome call and 14 teaching modules.

  • How will my information be protected?

    Waivers will be signed to protect the privacy of every participant involved.